Drawing on our expertise and research, our faculty is dedicated to enabling students to use scientific approaches to discovery and understanding.
It defines the successes of students at bet36365体育, whether in the humanities, sciences, education, or business.
Curriculum at bet36365体育 is designed to be student-centered and intellectually challenging, while preparing students through field and internship experiences.
We provide value to Nebraska by preparing students to compete in dynamic professional environments and by promoting academic, social, technological and economic development.
If you plan to student teach in the fall semester, you will apply for student teaching by the first Tuesday in February. If you plan to student teach in the spring semester, you will apply by the first Tuesday in September.
Most student teachers will student teach the entire semester, 16 weeks. Some students may have a 20-week placement depending on their endorsements. Check with your advisor or ask in the Educator Certification Office if you aren't sure.
You will student teach half of the time in one endorsed area and half of the time in the other area. This may be two 8-week assignments or two 10-week assignments. If you have two subject endorsements it may run concurrently (mornings in English, afternoons in History).
The College of Education has "Partner Schools" that work collaboratively with us in creating high-quality field experiences. Many of their teachers have extensive experience in working with teacher candidates and are familiar with our program and expectations. We strongly encourage student teachers to choose one of the following schools for their student teaching assignment:
Some schools respond quickly with placements; others are quite slow. The Educator Certification Office always tries to have placements ready by the end of November for the spring semester or the end of April for the fall semester. You will receive an email on your bet36365体育 email account which will direct you to come to the Educator Certification Office to pick up your information and packet(s) for your cooperating teacher(s). At this time, you will be told which section of student teaching to register for.
There are a variety of reasons. The school may not have an eligible teacher (an eligible teacher is one who has three years experience in that school). It may be that the principal and staff have decided to take a break from student teachers to work on curriculum issues. Or perhaps the assignment was given to another student from another college.
Most student teachers will not know who their supervisor is until the first two weeks of student teaching. A few supervisors are faculty at bet36365体育, but most are retired administrators who supervise bet36365体育 student teachers.
You need to get in touch with your university supervisor and discuss ways to approach this. Many times it's simply a matter of unclear communications and expectations.Once agreements have been made between you and your cooperating teacher, you may find that things run more smoothly.
Normally, we assist you in that process during the Seminar for Student Teachers, which is held once every semester. You will be given directions for applying online with the Nebraska State Department of Education. You can get help in the Educator Certification Office, which is in the College of Education Building, C128.
Since candidates are legally protected by the cooperative agreement between the college and the school district (Nebraska Revised Statute 79-876), the cooperating teacher does not have to be physically present in the classroom at all times. It is the opinion of the bet36365体育 faculty that it is desirable for the candidate to have opportunities to practice independent management of the classroom. If it is agreeable to all parties concerned, a teacher candidate may serve as the designated substitute teacher for up to five (5) days during the Clinical Practice (Student Teaching) semester with the following conditions:
These five (5) days will not count against a student’s three (3) excused absences. If a student chooses to substitute outside of these parameters, each day will count as one of their three (3) excused absences.
Given that the teacher candidate is not fully licensed, it is the expectation of the college that he/she not be teaching in total isolation while substituting, and that licensed professionals within the school building will be available to provide support as necessary.
No, you must follow the schedule of the school where you are student teaching. This includes parent-teacher conferences, in-service workshops, and faculty meetings.
We hope you will be getting involved immediately by learning the students’ names and helping your cooperating teacher in small ways. You and your cooperating teacher, along with your supervisor, will discuss how you begin to take over the classroom duties. There is no set schedule for this; rather, it depends on the decisions made by the three of you. The more time you spend teaching, the better prepared you will be for your first teaching job.
Teaching can be very exhausting, and it must come first. While employment during student teaching is not prohibited, it is strongly advised against. The student teacher is expected to maintain regular faculty hours and follow the cooperating school's calendar of workdays, holidays, vacation, etc. In addition, the student teacher is expected to participate in the appropriate extra-curricular and professional activities of the cooperating teacher. These activities may take place in the evenings and on the weekends. Failure to maintain the school hours for any reason may result in a termination and/or failure of the student teaching field experience.
There is a Resources section on Canvas which has information on many topics/issues that arise during student teaching. You will have access to this once you have registered for student teaching.
Have any other questions? Send them to: clevengerj2@zsdzi1.com